Trying New Things Can Be Very Fun ;)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

So while not all of these were taken with my new 10-22mm a few were! This weekend we got to go to the Gator Growl, an all student run Homecoming event at the University of Florida. It is at the SWAMP at night, and I was able to play around with ISO and F/Stop and I will say I had a lot of fun! Due to the fact that is was in a football stadium and the performers were far away and the lighting crazy It was fun to find was to capture the night.

This is the stands all the way across the stadium! I loved the way the shadows looked, and wish I would have gotten a few more.

The closing band was O A R... they are good, but it was so hard to get any good photographs of them. At one point the sax player ended up right next to our seats playing! I had my camera in my bag... learned my lesson... ALWAYS keep your camera handy!

This is Dana Carvery he was the guest comedian, and was very funny. He is a small man and was also hard to photograph he liked to move around a lot.

Okay, this is one of my first attempts with the Wide Angle Lens at night... not very focused but still cool.

This one turned out the best.. I think I took so many and they were all a bit different when it come to lighting. I enjoyed the show and had a great time trying new things with my favorite toy!


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